Vocabulary is the backbone of English. To score good mark in English subject you have to give importance to increase your vocabulary skill. Here we have listed few English word with meaning and its use. Memorize these English Vocabulary Words for Banking Exams.
1. ABSCOND (VERB): run away, depart secretly
Synonyms: disappear, escape
Antonyms: wait, arrive
Example Sentence:
Toasts begin but the two boys, along with several friends, have absconded from the table.
2. ENVERATE (VERB): tire, wear out
Synonyms: devitalize, exhaust
Antonyms: refresh, energize
Example Sentence:
The long day of hard labor enervated him so much that he found it difficult to get out of bed.
3. VET (VERB): analyze, test
Synonyms: review, scrutinize
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence:
She was the right age (in her fifties), and her personal background had been vetted during the Senate confirmation hearings. -- Eleanor Clift and Tom Brazaitis, Madam President
Synonyms: spiritual, mystical
Antonyms: bounding
Example Sentence:
More than six million people worldwide have learned the transcendental meditation techniques, which include people of all ages, cultures, and religions.
5. ALLEGIANCE (NOUN): loyalty
Synonyms: dedication, fidelity
Antonyms: dishonour, treachery
Example Sentence:
The decline in the number of people professing allegiance to religion is a matter of great concern.
6. RESCIND (VERB) : declare null and void
Synonyms: abolish, cancel
Antonyms: enforce, enact
Example Sentence:
The vendor claimed that he had rescinded the contract on the purchaser's failure to comply with the notice to make the payment.
7. NEFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): bad, sinful
Synonyms: horrible, shameful
Antonyms: delightful, gentle
Example Sentence:
To call that handicapped woman names is not only mean, but it is nefarious.
8. EMBLEM (NOUN): crest
Synonyms: memento, trademark
Example Sentence:
I consider a country-dance as an emblem of marriage.
9. ARCANE (ADJECTIVE): hidden, secret
Synonyms: esoteric, impenetrable
Antonyms: known, normal
Example Sentence:
The topic is a bit arcane, and takes some explaining to get readers up to speed to appreciate it.
10. TANGENTIAL (ADJECTIVE) : digressing
Synonyms: extraneous, unrelated
Antonyms: appropriate, relevant
Example Sentence:
The relationship of India's politicians to their electorate is largely tangential; they rarely meet their people except right before elections.
English Vocabulary Words for Banking Exams
1. ABSCOND (VERB): run away, depart secretly
Synonyms: disappear, escape
Antonyms: wait, arrive
Example Sentence:
Toasts begin but the two boys, along with several friends, have absconded from the table.
2. ENVERATE (VERB): tire, wear out
Synonyms: devitalize, exhaust
Antonyms: refresh, energize
Example Sentence:
The long day of hard labor enervated him so much that he found it difficult to get out of bed.
Synonyms: review, scrutinize
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence:
She was the right age (in her fifties), and her personal background had been vetted during the Senate confirmation hearings. -- Eleanor Clift and Tom Brazaitis, Madam President
Synonyms: spiritual, mystical
Antonyms: bounding
Example Sentence:
More than six million people worldwide have learned the transcendental meditation techniques, which include people of all ages, cultures, and religions.
5. ALLEGIANCE (NOUN): loyalty
Synonyms: dedication, fidelity
Antonyms: dishonour, treachery
Example Sentence:
The decline in the number of people professing allegiance to religion is a matter of great concern.
6. RESCIND (VERB) : declare null and void
Synonyms: abolish, cancel
Antonyms: enforce, enact
Example Sentence:
The vendor claimed that he had rescinded the contract on the purchaser's failure to comply with the notice to make the payment.
7. NEFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): bad, sinful
Synonyms: horrible, shameful
Antonyms: delightful, gentle
Example Sentence:
To call that handicapped woman names is not only mean, but it is nefarious.
Synonyms: memento, trademark
Example Sentence:
I consider a country-dance as an emblem of marriage.
9. ARCANE (ADJECTIVE): hidden, secret
Synonyms: esoteric, impenetrable
Antonyms: known, normal
Example Sentence:
The topic is a bit arcane, and takes some explaining to get readers up to speed to appreciate it.
10. TANGENTIAL (ADJECTIVE) : digressing
Synonyms: extraneous, unrelated
Antonyms: appropriate, relevant
Example Sentence:
The relationship of India's politicians to their electorate is largely tangential; they rarely meet their people except right before elections.